15 06, 2019

A Naked Thought ~ Model’s Musings


With all eyes upon me I allow my mind to back away from the company. The pencils are poised and one girl has spread out an enormous piece of paper, I wonder how they will see me today. I have been a troll, a wizened old lady, an Amazonian warrior…mostly by accident! There is a

A Naked Thought ~ Model’s Musings2019-06-15T23:33:40+00:00
15 06, 2019

Prickly Feet


It began with a prickly feeling in my foot. I had been hired by a serious artist for a ‘critical piece’ (his words). He’d placed me carefully  in a classical pose with one arm behind my head and on my side, very Matisse. He had high aspirations! He’d taken twenty minutes to get the pose

Prickly Feet2019-06-15T23:09:16+00:00
29 03, 2019

A Journey of Visual Healing


A Journey of Visual Healing Art is an extraordinarily powerful medium for personal development and emotional/physical healing. I have found some of the deepest healing has been connected to the visual sense, whether it be through creative visualisation or through sitting with a piece of art whose colour and energy triggers an emotional shift in

A Journey of Visual Healing2019-04-04T07:26:39+00:00
